Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Social Network: Is it necessary to share everything?

Lawak Ker Der 2 Live @ Istana Budaya.

Last week, me and my friend went for "Lawak Ke Der 2" in Istana Budaya, its a comedy show that brings comedians into one stage. The show has a very good respond from the public as the ticket sold out for most of the timeslot. The shows takes almost 3 hours to finished, I must say I really enjoyed the show! Well laughter is the best medicines right?

The main reason for doing this entry is not about me talking about the show, but one of the comedian name Harith Iskandar has brought to my attention. Even though its just a comedy show, the content that he shared really brought me to laughter and at the same time makes me to think that what he said is actually true. 

One of the topic that he highlighted is about social network. He told the story about the social network such as Facebook has changed how Malaysian communicate with each other. One example is that Malaysian tends to share almost everything in their Facebook, Harith told that he received a Facebook notification  from his Blackberry phones during an important meeting, but the notification is only about his friends uploading a picture having Cekodok  for the evening. Harith then said that those people who uploading such picture are loser, but those people to actually commented or hit the like button of the photo are even worst, and ends it with a statement "Its just a Cekodok? get a life people!". The whole rooms when into laughter.

I started to think. Hey, I did that too! so am I a loser? before the laughter ended, Harith quickly make another statement, "..its just a joke people, just a joke.."

Im not really offended with what Harith said, but what he pointed out is actually true, most Malaysian like to tell every single thing they do in Facebook. For some people, they even checked-in at a place they are currently at through Facebook or Foursquare. Have we ever thought that by doing that we actually sharing the information to the public? 

Checked- in  in Foursquare.

They have been concerns about sharing info on social media, maybe the video below might makes you think again before posting any info on Facebook, Twitter or Google+.

Source: www.youtube.com

Its ok to share your thoughts or your activity on your social media, but  its better to be extra careful on what  information, contents or activities that we want to share. Its for your own safety, sharing too much info might ended up bringing danger to you, your family or your love ones. Think before you post!

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